Applications are invited for appointment to the post of probationary officers assistant managers in the Visakhapatnam Co-operative bank limited Visakhapatnam.

number of vacancies 30 salary the candidate will be in probation for 2 years they will be rotated in different branches during their probation period during the probation consolidated Pay 25000 will be given.
Eligibility method:
the candidate must be a first class graduate from the recognised University Candidate should have proficiency in speaking writing and reading English and Telugu languages person should have computer knowledge the age of the applicant should be minimum 22 maximum 30 years as on 31st December 2020.
The selection of the candidate will be made on the basis of online examination and interview the online test will conduct in English so all the eligible candidates who apply with the requisite fee and use applications are received in time will called for an online test examination.
Online test examination marks- 150 marks and interview- 25 marks
There is a negative mark for wrong answers
Total questions 150 questions 150 marks online test will be held in the month of January 2021 the exact date will be communicated to the candidate through admit card at the time of examination the bank however reserves have the right to cancel or make any changes in the date of examination as per required online examination will be conduct in different centres.
1. Visakhapatnam
Detailed procedures for online application form
1. Application registration
2.Next payment of fees
3.Document scan and upload
1.Candidates to go to the and click on the action apply online next will open in new screen.
2.Next to register application select the tab click here for new registration and type name contact details and mobile number email ID then a provisional registration number and password will be e generated by the computer and displayed on the page the candidate should copy the provisional registration number and password and there is a email and SMS indicating the provisional registration number and password will also be sent
3. In case the candidate is unable to to complete the registration form in one he/she can save the data already entered by choosing save a next tab
4.The candidate is advice to carefully e fill and check the details filled in the online application form themselves there is no change will possible after clicking the final submit button the name of the candidate should be spelt correctly in the application form as it appears in the educational certificates marksheets identity proof.
5 Validate your details and save your application form by clicking the validate your details then save and next button.
6.After this the applicant can proceed to upload photo and signature as per the requirements given in the the instructions for scanning and upload a photograph and signature
7.candidate can proceed to fill other information about the application form
8.Finally click and preview tab to check the entire application form before final submit if any modification so please do it before final submission.
9.Finally click and payment have and proceed for payment
10.Click on submit button on the last page of the application form.
Starting date:10/11/2020
Last date:30/11/2020
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