Dr.B.R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology jalandar invites online applications for Indian nationals for the recruitment of following posts. Doctor bi R Ambedkar national Institute of Technology Jalandhar invites online applications from the Indian nationals for the recruitment to the following non teaching post in the institute.
detailed educational qualification experience and other criteria for selection to non faculty positions is mentioned in official notification which is available in official website candidates are advised to go through the details of Post and instructions before applying.
link for filling up of online application form shall be activated on 1-11 2020 closing date for submission of online recruitment .
Application and the institute website is on 30 11 2020 date for determining the eligibility of of all candidates in every respect shall be the prescribed closing date 30 11 2020 for submission of online recruitment . Application the applicant’s are advised to fill in all their particulars upload documents in the online recruitment application carefully if submission of wrong information may lead to rejection through Computer Based shortlisting apart from department by the institute .
Number of vacancies may be increased /decreased without any notification the institute Reserves the right to modify /cancel the advertisements recruitment at any stage of processing without assigning any reasons .
Date of birth mentioned in online recruitment application is final no subsequent request for change of date of birth will be considered / granted.

- Posts:93
- Posts Name:
Junior assistant, Engineer,SAS assistant,Office Attendent, Stenographer, Senior Assistant,Etc. - Salary:
20,200/- - Selection process:
Refer Official Notification - Application:
Starting date:01/11/2020
Ending date:30/11/2020 - Apply process:
candidates are requested to applying only online against this advertisement on the online recruitment application an institute website.
knowledge of computer application in all above post is necessary and Institute May conduct separate computer test for assessing computer proficiency of the candidates.
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