Andra Pradesh Arogyamithra Recruitment Notification
Government of Andhrapradesh YSR Arogya Sree Health care Trust issued a notification to fulfill two types of posts those are arogya mithra team leaders.These posts are recruited through outsourcing basis.These posts are Selected through acadamic qualification Computer Skills interview.This Notification is only for Kadapa District. Interested Candidates please visit offical notification carefully and apply.

Arogyamitra :
Bsc Nursing, Msc Nursing Bpharmacy D pharmacy , medical lab technology, with good acadamic record
Excellent communication skills
should know Read & write Telugu and English
should have computer knowledge
should have basic understanding of medical and hospital administration.
Team Leader:
Bsc Nursing, Msc Nursing Bpharmacy D pharmacy , medical lab technology, with good acadamic record
Excellent communication skills
should know Read & write Telugu and English
should have computer knowledge
should have basic understanding of medical and hospital administration.
Experience: Minimium two years in hospital services
Excellent communication skills and leadership.
300/- each applicant must pay application process fee
Post 1: 12000/-
Post 2: 15000/-
4.Selection Process:
Acadamic Qualification 65 marks
computer Skills: 15 marks
interview : 20 marks
Below 65 years
10 Memo
10+2 Memo
Degree Memo
PG Memo
Caste Certificate
Date of Birth Certificate
No objection Certificate
ArogyaMitra 54 posts
Tean Leader 4 Posts
Last Date for Submission: 31-10-2020
YSR kadapa District DM and HO office Address:
DM and HO office,Sastri nagar, Ravider Nagar,kadapa,Andhrapradesh 516001
Computer Examination Interviews to beheld at District Head office. Exact Address Location will be intimated to candiate later. At the time of computer examination the individuals must bring original ID proof, Resume, Xerox copies of certificate and Experience certificate.
The number of posts vary based on the recruitment. Method of Recruitment for each post on outsourcing basis.
The Candidates who are having eligibility please apply before refer official notification which is available in the official website.
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